Wednesday, November 26, 2008

A Welsh Wordless Wednesday

fail owned pwned pictures

Read the BBC News story behind this picture, it's worth it.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Wordless Wednesday: Rockin' Brit. Lit

My average in my British Literature class. Boo-yah!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Wordless Wednesday

Yes we can....

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Best Part of Waking Up...Is a Plumbing Crisis in Your Cup!

One of my favorite days on the calendar is a casual one by all accounts. It's the Sunday following the “fall back” daylight savings time at midnight Saturday. This is one Sunday I savor above all others.

{waits of the gasps of “heathen!” to subside}

I love waking up on a cool fall morning, buried under my comforter, to the pleasant surprise that I really have another hour of sleep available to me. It's not quite as pleasurable any day after this because I soon compensate for the gift by staying awake for an extra hour (or two) so by the next week I'm as sleep deprived as I was before DST.

No, this is the one day that the extra hour is at its most pure, unadulterated goodness.

So imagine my displeasure at being awakened this morning by the sounds of Ms. Krazy losing her mind in the kitchen and of pots and pans spilling out onto the floor. For the record, as it's important to the story, all of her big cooking pots and pans are stored in cabinets beneath the counter top and partially beneath the kitchen sink.

I tried to discern if early morning double-broiler toss was a CRISIS, crisis, or inconvenience. Ms. Krazy has a flair for the dramatics at times, so not every crisis (lower case) is a full fledged CRISIS (all caps). Fortunately, most are mere inconveniences that can be rectified easily and with a minimal amount of fuss.

As the entire contents of the lower cabinets were purged with a force that would make our Viking ancestors beam with pride, I reached the conclusion this was not an event that would allow me to throw the covers back over my head and feign ignorance about the entire thing. The Extra Hour had now completely slipped through my fingertips.

*le sigh*

Long story short. It was not a burst pipe (crisis), nor was it a leaking pipe behind the wall (CRISIS) it was this:

The washer that connects the pipe to the bottom of the sink had, after a decade or two of abuse from well-water filled with hard minerals, given up the ghost. With the washer crapped out, the pipe was no longer attached to the bottom of the sink and when all the water rushed out of the sink, it promptly wound up spilling over onto the pots, pans and miscellaneous flower vases before seeping out onto the kitchen floor.

A mild inconvenience in the grand scheme of things, the flood of water on the kitchen floor just made it look bad. I went to the home improvement store, bought a replacement washer for $2.75, pulled off the bad washer, popped on the new one and attached it to the sink.

Peace and harmony were once again restored upon Kasa de Krazy.

Fare thee well Extra Hour of Sleep. Until we meet again next fall....

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